Figure 2.41: State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) |
FIGURE 2.40: The UTM System Explained |
FIGURE 2.39: Universal Transverse Mercator Projected Coordinate System |
FIGURE 2.1: Eratosthenes (276 -194 BCE) |
FIGURE 2.2: Eratosthenes’s Method for Determining the Size of the Earth |
FIGURE 2.3: Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (4/5 September 973 – 13 December 1048) |
FIGURE 2.4: Al-Biruni's Method of Measuring the Earth |
FIGURE 2.5: Examples of Modern Geodesy |
FIGURE 2.6: Venn Diagram |
FIGURE 2.7: Trilateration |
FIGURE 2.8: Topographic Surface and Relief |
FIGURE 2.9: A Model of a Ellipsoid vs a Geoid |
FIGURE 2.10: A model of a Geoid |
FIGURE 2.11: Parts of the Ellipse |
FIGURE 2.12: Ellipse |
FIGURE 2.13: Circles are Just Special Case Ellipses |
FIGURE 2.14 A: A Model of a Sphere and an Ellipsoid |
FIGURE 2.14 B: Ellipsoids of Revolution (Spheroids) |
FIGURE 2.15. An Example of Local and Global Reference Ellipsoids |
FIGURE 2.16: Cartesian Coordinate Sy |
FIGURE 2.17: An Example of a Benchmark |
FIGURE 2.18: A Graphical Explanation of Ellipsoid Height, Orthometric Height, and Geoid Height |
FIGURE 2.19: Deviation of the Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid in For the World Geodetic Datum, 1984 (WGS84) |
FIGURE 2.20: A Graphical Breakdown of the Parts of a Geographic Coordinate System |
FIGURE 2.21: Making a Flat Map of the World is So Similar Yet So Different Than Simply Removing the Crust and Smashing It Flat Like a Tangerine Peel |
FIGURE 2.22 A: Light Gun of Science (LGoS) vs North and South America |
FIGURE 2.22 B: The Mapparium in Boston |
Figure 2.24: The Three Main Types of Developable Surfaces - Azimuthal (Planar), Cylindrical, and Conical |
Figure 2.25: Developable Surfaces as Flat Surfaces |
FIGURE 2.26: Increasing Distortion Moving Away from the Tangential Line/Secant Lines |
Figure 2.27: Tangential Line/Tangential Point and Secant Lines/Line |
FIGURE 2.28: A Summary of The Most Common Aspects and Developable Surfaces |
FIGURE 2.29: Conic Projection Examples |
FIGURE 2.30: Cylindrical Projection Examples |
FIGURE 2.31: Example of Light Paths to Create Azimuthal Projections |
FIGURE 2.32: Gall-Peters cylindrical equal-area projection |
FIGURE 2.33: Mercator - Conformal Projection Method |
FIGURE 2.34: Equidistant Projection Method |
FIGURE 2.35: Robinson Projection Method |
FIGURE 2.36: Small and Large Scale Maps |
FIGURE 2.37: Normal and Transverse Mercator Projected Coordinate Systems |
FIGURE 2.38: Lambert Conformal Conic Projected Coordinate System |